
西班牙语 越南


Help for survivors of child abuse and their families


 治疗犬Chester  One in 10 children will be sexually abused before they turn 18, 从黑暗到光明, the leading child sexual abuse prevention organization in the United States. 不及时治疗, child sexual abuse can lead to short- and long-term physical and emotional health consequences such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 危险性行为, 物质使用障碍, 也增加了自杀的风险.

   These are sobering realities, but there is a safe place for help. ChildSafe in Fort Collins is a comprehensive outpatient treatment program that helps victims of childhood abuse, p艺术icularly child sexual abuse, and their family members to heal. “The work we do addresses the trauma experienced in childhood to help our clients find their path in life and, 的支持下, 茁壮成长,” says ChildSafe Executive Director Carol Bennis.

   The demand for ChildSafe’s services has more than doubled in the last 10 years. “In 2019, we treated 839 clients and their families—more clients in one year than we have had in the organization’s 34-year history,本尼斯说。.

   Trained therapists use a combination of individual, 集团, and family therapy when working with children and adult survivors of childhood abuse.  ChildSafe’s comfortable environment allows clients to feel safe enough to process the trauma they have experienced.

   “Healing st艺术s to occur the minute a child, 他们的父母, 或者一个成年人 survivor walk in the door and know they don’t have to keep that secret anymore,” says ChildSafe Clinical Director Val Macri-Lind.

   After closing the office due to COVID-19, the clinic slowly began taking steps in late May to reopen and plans to continue with remote telehealth appointments and 集团 therapy sessions. In-person appointments are scheduled on a case-by-case basis.

   第一次预约时, Macri-Lind会见家长, 或者一个成年人, 去了解发生了什么, if there have there been other traumas in the person’s life, and if the case is in the criminal justice system. They develop a preliminary treatment plan and determine which therapist would be a good fit for the family.

   “Parents are also traumatized and often don’t know how to talk to their child about what happened,马克里-林德说. “Therapy includes helping and supporting caregivers, which is healing for the child and helps create an environment at home where they’re supported.”

成为英雄筹款人   Experiential therapies such as sand tray, 玩, 艺术, 音乐, and journaling are especially effective with children and teens, 她指出. “我们有沙子。, 美术用品, 服装, and toys to engage kids in ways that allow them to express [themselves] and process through their experiences.” (Supplies may be sent to the client’s home for use as needed.)

   Children have loved interacting with 治疗犬Chester, and Chester loved being with them, too. When one little girl asked to dress up as a fairy, she wanted to dress Chester as a fairy, too. 他欣然答应了.

   “Chester was born to do this work,本尼斯说。. “His presence is very calming, and he’s very intuitive. He’ll sense when someone is upset and will go to that person to be close and available for petting. He helps kids and adults regulate their emotions when they’re upset.”

   Helping clients develop coping and regulation skills is a big p艺术 of the work that ChildSafe therapists do. “We explain that even though bad things happen, you can still be OK working through your experience, as long as you’re keeping yourself grounded in the present while you work through it,马克里-林德说.

   There are several options for help paying for care including the Victim Compensation Fund, 奖助金, a sliding scale based on income, and a specialist to check into any private insurance coverage.

   ChildSafe also offers free 集团 therapy and parenting classes for parents who are raising traumatized children. No referral is required, and anyone may attend. Check the website for up-to-date information on classes and therapy 集团s.

   “Sexual abuse can be a very isolating experience,马克里-林德说. “Victims feel like they’re the only ones this happened to. Working through their trauma with others who have been through it too is something that individual therapy alone can’t do.”


2001 S. Shields, Building K, Fort Collins
970-472-4133—Call for an appointment (telehealth is available)


节目资料, 家长免费资源, 志愿服务机会, and training events for health-care professionals, 老师, 和辅导员.