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image of the cover of the Fall 2023 Compass edition
Family Dental Clinic cheers end of Medicaid cap; late season farmers' markets; protect your head while bicycling; Ensight Skills Center;...
Health District Compass Summer 2023 cover image
Walking for the health of it; Energy boosting breakfasts; Mental health in our community; The Center for Family Outreach; Medicine cabinet...
Photo of Liane Jollon
The Board of Directors for the Health District of Northern Larimer County has appointed Liane Jollon the agency’s new executive director...
Photos of Erin Hottenstein and John Peter McKay
Erin Hottenstein and John Peter McKay have been elected to the board of directors for the Health District of Northern Larimer County. 六个...
Health District Compass Spring 2023 cover image
Feeling anxious? Calm body, mind in a chaotic world; Health District Board election info; Medicaid renewals coming; Health District news...
Paul 五月er
Dr. Paul 五月er has joined the Health District of Northern Larimer County as medical director. He provides oversight and direction for...
Larimer Health Connect logo
Larimer Health Connect will host health insurance enrollment events at various locations around Larimer County during Open Enrollment,...
Community Health Survey logo
Respondents to the Health District of Northern Larimer County’s 10th triennial Community Health Survey report poorer physical health,...
calculator and pen
The Health District of Northern Larimer County will hold a public hearing to take comment on the 2023 Draft Health District 预算 during...
Lee Thielen
The board of directors of the Health District of Northern Larimer County has appointed Lee Thielen interim executive director, effective...
